哭泣的地球 The Weeping Planet
Post date: Dec 28, 2013 4:09:42 AM
默後災劫與省思 Disasters of the Final Era and Repentance
天地的形成 Formation of the Heavens and Earth
水火劫煞 Disasters from Water and Fire
南亞海嘯 Tsunami in the South Seas
卡崔娜颶風 Hurricane Katrina
禽流感 Bird Flu
恐怖 9/11
921大地震 9/21 Taiwan Earthquake
颱風過後 Typhoon Aftermath
祈願 Prayer
殘酷的戰爭 Cruelty of War
人心貪婪的後果 Consequence of Human Greed
生命的吶喊 Life's Crying Plea
墮胎 Abortion (viewer discretion advised: not appropriate for minors or pregnant women)
皇慈語 The Admonitory Sermons of Lao-Mu