2018-11-25 Words of Wisdom
Post date: Nov 25, 2018 2:00:31 AM
仙佛慈訓: 如果想修道就要拿出赤子之心,赤子之心就是純善無惡的心,要去偽存真,當去偽存真時,就可以得到真性。何謂 [真性] ?就是沒有對待,人家對你好,你一樣好,人家對你不好,你也一樣好。
Saints and Buddhas' merciful words: In order to cultivate Dao, you have to bring out your innocent heart that is totally pure without any evil. You have to remove the false (self) and preserve the truth; when you reach such a state, True Nature is manifested. What is [True Nature]? True Nature has no duality. You are fine regardless how others treat you.