Post date: Aug 17, 2018 3:01:13 AM
Ji Gong Living Buddha’s Merciful Teaching (read 3 times daily)
天使並非只是口號 而是要能道理做到
Being an angel is not just a slogan; one must act on the principles.
善良本質緊緊懷抱 學會善巧快樂行孝
Hold tightly to our good nature; learn the art of being happy while being filial.
不要任性脾氣常鬧 平平和和不急不躁
Do not be headstrong and constantly vent bad temper; be calm and harmonious, and do not be impatient or rash.
無論長得什麼樣貌 都要時時面帶微笑
Regardless of our natural appearance, we always must wear a smile.
遇到問題不要亂叫 靜下心來聽聽忠告
Do not arbitrarily make a fuss when having a problem; calmly listen to earnest advice.
莫讓小事將心纏繞 心胸寬大利於解套
Do not be bothered by or entwined in trivial matters; a broad heart/mind is beneficial to getting out of the trap.
人外有人不必驕傲 天外有天謙卑為妙
No need to be arrogant as there is always someone better; to be humble is the best tactic as there is always something greater.
美好生活真理依靠 光明坦蕩才是王道
A fine life depends on true principles; a bright, broad and level path is the noble way.
人生端賴自己創造 知足感恩善緣感召
Our life is ultimately determined by our own actions; being content and grateful elicits good affinity.
這是一帖仙丹妙藥 認真服用最有福報
These words make up an elixir; take it diligently for best karmic rewards.