二十四孝的故事 (動畫) 24 Stories of Filial Devotion (animation)
1. 孝感動天 Filial Piety Moves Heaven (6:14)
2. 親嘗湯藥 Sampling Medicine for Mother (5:15)
3. 齧指痛心 Son Feels Pain When Mother Is Hurt (3:57)
4. 單衣順母 Enduring Cold To Protect Mother (4:34)
5. 負米養親 Carrying Rice To Feed Parents (5:20)
6. 賣身葬父 Selling Self To Bury Father (5:51)
7. 鹿乳奉親 Nursing Parents with Doe's Milk (4:44)
8. 行傭供母 Working as a Hired Hand To Support Mother (5:30)
9. 懷橘遺親 Hiding Oranges To Please Mother (6:13)
10.乳姑不怠 Feeding Breast Milk To Mother-in-Law (5:42)
11.恣蚊飽血 Enduring Mosquito Bites To Spare Parents (4:52)
12.臥冰求鯉 Lying on the Ice To Catch Fish for Mother (4:45)
13.為母埋兒 Burying Son To Save Mother (4:22)
14.搤虎救親 Fighting Tiger To Save Father (4:41)
15.棄官尋母 Giving Up Official Post To Look for Mother (5:50)
16.嚐糞憂心 Sampling Feces To Save Father's Life (4:54)
17.戲彩娛親 Acting To Amuse Parents (4:26)
18.拾葚供親 Gathering Mulberries To Feed Parents (4:29)
19.為枕溫衾 Fanning the Mat and Warming the Quilt (4:13)
20.湧泉躍鯉 Carps Jumping Out of a Gushing Stream (3:26)
21.聞雷泣墓 Mourning Mother When Thunder Roars (5:29)
22.刻木事親 Honoring the Images of Parents (4:56)
23.哭竹生筍 Crying Over Bamboo and Reaping Shoots (5:10)
24.滌親溺器 Scholar Cleanses Mother's Chamber Pot (4:52)