德行天下 Allegories of Moral Conduct
1. (至善) 成人之美 Helping someone to do a good deed (9:03)
2. (至善) 善之偏正 Proper and improper kindness (8:14)
3. (至善) 與人為善 To be of service to others (9:12)
4. (至善) 勸人為善 Encourage kindness in others (7:47)
5. (至善) 善之半滿 Partial and complete goodness (8:32)
6. (至善) 善之大小 Greater and lesser goodness (7:36)
7. (至善) 善之是非 True and apparent goodness (8:46)
8. (至善) 善之真假 True and false goodness (7:58)
9. (至善) 善之端曲 Upright and crooked goodness (9:00)
10.(至善) 善之難易 Difficulty and ease of good deeds (7:53)
11.(至善) 善之陰陽 Hidden and visible goodness (8:23)
12.(至善) 捨財做福 Giving up wealth to cultivate fortune (8:36)
13.(至善) 護持正法 To protect and maintain proper teachings (9:00)
14.愈淨意公 遇灶神記 Yu Jing Yi Meets the Kitchen God (22:12)
15.武訓行乞興義學 Wu Xun Establishes Charity Schools by Begging (15:42)
16.伯俞泣杖 Bo-Yu wept over the cane (5:52)
17.兩文錢 2 Cents (6:16)
18.負荊請罪 Offering a Humble Apology (6:59)
19.劉平期賊 Liu Ping's Appointment with the Robbers (5:51)
20.庾袞侍疫 Yu Gun's fraternal loving care during the time of pestilence (4:00)
21.管寧割席 Guan Ning cuts his mat (3:30)
22.閔損蘆衣 Min Sun's reed clothes (19:56)
23.李善乳主 Li Shan breastfeeds young master (10:02)
24.損人器物 Damaging others' belongings to hinder their use (2:14)
25.六個餅 Six sesame seed cakes eaten in vain (2:24)
26.一杯清水 A glass of pure water (4:05)