十二個放下 12 Relinquishments
Post date: Jul 3, 2018 3:38:58 PM
活佛恩師慈悲教導 Merciful Teaching by Holy Teacher
2018.06.10 美國加州淨化佛堂 (Jing Hua Temple, California, USA)
放下對立 學習親愛 創造和諧的人生
Let go of confrontation, learn to love and create a harmonious life.
放下猜疑 學習信任 創造美好的人生
Let go of suspicions, learn to trust and create a beautiful life.
放下冷漠 學習關懷 創造幸福的人生
Let go of indifference, learn to be caring and create a blessed life.
放下批評 學習讚美 創造快樂的人生
Let go of criticism, learn to compliment and create a happy life.
放下計較 學習大量 創造寬廣的人生
Let go of bickering, learn to be magnanimous and create an expansive life.
放下嫉妒 學習隨喜 創造祥和的人生
Let go of envy, learn to rejoice with others and create a peaceful and auspicious life.
放下貪求 學習佈施 創造富饒的人生
Let go of greedy pursuits, learn to give and create a content and bountiful life.
放下瞋恨 學習柔和 創造輕鬆的人生
Let go of anger and hatred, learn to be gentle and create a relaxed life.
放下是非 學習清靜 創造安定的人生
Let go of rights and wrongs, learn to be dispassionate and create a tranquil life.
放下爭辯 學習自省 創造智慧的人生
Let go of disputes, learn to introspect and create a life of wisdom.
放下繁雜 學習精簡 創造單純的人生
Let go of complexity, learn to simplify and create a straightforward life.
放下放下 學習性空 創造真實的人生
Let go of letting go, learn to be thus (tathata) and create a life of suchness (tattva).