2019-09-28 Words of Wisdom
Post date: Sep 28, 2019 10:31:33 PM
仙佛慈訓: 遇到痛苦時, 要如何? (一) 找知心朋友訴苦 (二) 寫日記讓痛苦有寄託。痛苦來自內心裡想不開, 執著迷惑 。 遇到事不必痛苦, 事過則過, 何必記在心頭, 不必與自己計較, 過不去。
Saints and Buddhas' merciful words: When you are suffering, what should you do? (1) talk to an intimate friend; or (2) commit your emotions to a diary. The sufferings are caused by taking things too harshly, and having attachments and confusions. No need to be miserable when you encounter something unpleasant, let it go after having dealt with it, why dwell on it in your heart and mind? No need to haggle with yourself and not let go.