靈妙仙丹 Elixir of Life 2013.11.01
Post date: Aug 16, 2014 7:18:44 PM
靈妙仙丹 (發一同義 毓佛宮 澳門樂道佛院安座)
仙丹一帖十二粒 送給有缘福加被 不必花錢費力氣 取之用之任由你
按時服用莫忘記 百日自然可築基 二六謹慎勿大意 功夫精湛返無極
父母要孝順 心性要柔順
待人要和順 因緣要隨順
觀念沒有偏頗 心中沒有怒火
責任沒有閃躲 公正沒有私我
冷眼旁觀紛紛擾擾 醒醒覺覺不爭不吵
歲月無情人生易老 常清常靜珍惜分秒
身體要照顧 心念要守住
道德要維護 眾生要廣渡
耐得住寂寞 禁得起誘惑
看得開起落 學得會沉默
忘了總比記著好 放下也比拿著好
感恩真比抱怨好 起行是比坐言好
對立放一邊 互助功德添
和諧存心間 團結為上天
惜緣又惜福 知止又知足
抱道又抱樸 去假又去毒
錢財不貪不義 革除言不及義
做人有情有義 遵守公理正義
學習看人好處 改正自己錯處
戒慎恐懼小處 潔淨內心深處
找到修行的樂趣 培養人格如美玉
面對考驗心無懼 了愿精神當永續
飲食要能漸清淡 生活要有好習慣
笑容要再更燦爛 眼睛要常向內看
Elixir of Life prescribed by Holy Teacher (Ji-Gong Living Buddha) for everybody with affinity.
Take the following 12 "tablets" as often as needed for your physical and spiritual health. Do not skip a dose. Perfect your effort. You will see positive results in three months.
Be filial to our parents; soften our hearts; Be courteous to others; follow affinity naturally.
Refrain from biased/skewed thoughts; harbor no anger in the heart; Don’t shun responsibilities; be fair and just without ego (be impartial and selfless).
Look on world’s chaos with a calm mind; be aware and do not be involved in arguments;
Life passes on, waiting for no one; maintain constant quietude and cherish every second
Take good care of our health; hold onto our proper mind; Maintain a high moral standard; widely bring people to Dao/truth
Be able to endure solitude/loneliness; be able to resist temptation; Take life’s ups and downs easy (see through life’s ups and downs; Learn to be quiet/silent
It is always better to forget than to remember; it is also better to let go of things than to hold fast to them; Gratitude is better than complaints; getting up to practice what we preach is better than just sitting and preaching it.
Put aside antagonism; helping each other increases merit and virtue; Nurture harmony at heart; unite for the sake of heaven
Cherish affinity as well as blessings; know where the limits are and be content; Hold onto the Dao and maintain innocence/purity; purge falsehood as well as poisons (greed, anger, fatuity)
Do not ogle at unaccountable/unjustifiable wealth; eradicate unjust/unrighteous speech; Be a caring and righteous person; obey universal truth and principles
Learn to look for good in others; resolve to correct our faults;Be extra vigilant with trivial matters; purify ourselves in the depth of our heart
Derive pleasure from cultivating Dao; develop a character like flawless jade; Be fearless in the face of trials; have an undying aspiration in fulfilling vows
Develop an appetite for light-flavored food; establish good habits in life; Make our smiles brighter; look inward often in introspection.