1. Purpose of Dao
These are the guiding principles of Dao for humans to follow in creating a peaceful and harmonious world.
The Principles of Dao
Confucius also had a vision of an ideal world, a utopian society, based upon his philosophy of ethics and morality.
The Confucian Ideal for World Harmony
When the perfect order prevails, the world is like a home shared by all. Virtuous and worthy men are elected to public office, and capable men hold posts of gainful employment in society; peace and trust among all men are the maxims of living. All men love and respect their parents and children, as well as the parents and children of others. There is caring for the old; there are jobs for adults; there are nourishment and education for the widowers, for all who find themselves alone in the world, and for the disabled. Every man and woman has an appropriate role to play within the family and within society. A sense of sharing displaces the effects of selfishness and materialism. A devotion to public duty leaves no room for idleness. Intrigues and conniving for ill gain are unknown. Villains such as thieves and robbers do not exist. The door to every home need never be locked and bolted by day or night. These are the characteristics of an ideal world, the commonwealth state.
It is not a mere coincidence that the principles of Dao are closely related to the Confucian ideal for World Harmony. The way to bring about this World Harmony is by achieving the principles of Dao. Confucian philosophy and ethics relates to the practical relationships that people have with one another, and, in fact, is an application of the principles of Dao. In a world where science and technology is so advanced and is so prevalent in our daily lives, people are losing faith in religions, and family values, morality and ethics are deteriorating. Confucian philosophy and ethics is nondenominational, and therefore, transcends all faiths. So it is only appropriate that there is now a revival and renaissance of Confucian philosophy and ethics in these modern times. The long term viability of society and the world depends on people practicing the principles of Dao.
Next: 2. Basic Concepts
Previous: Introduction