濟公活佛慈訓 Holy Teacher Ji-Gong Buddha's Merciful Dharma
Post date: Feb 14, 2011 4:09:32 PM
沒有惡口與兩舌 沒有綺語和妄言
不會東嫌又西嫌 出口猶如吐青蓮
多言瑣碎要避免 利益眾生為重點
溝通善巧來表現 說話得當人人羨
我讚美你 你肯定我 大家相處樂綿綿
學會看人的優點 福慧一直在增添
善意解讀每一件 人事物都成善緣
知足不會常抱怨 感恩不會小心眼
心境願意來改變 進步自然看的見
天堂不會太遙遠 從找好處來創建
我看眾生 眾生看我 彼此愈看愈順眼
If we are unable to control our mouth, we will be unable to gain others' respect.
If we are unable to control our temper, we will be unable to change our fate.
If we are unable to control our heart and mind, we will be unable to transcend the cycle of reincarnation (birth, death and rebirth).
If disciple constantly sees faults in others, that means disciple needs to improve their cultivation.
If disciple constantly speaks of others’ faults, others will also criticize us behind our backs.
If disciple constantly finds the good in others, and praises and admires others,
then your cultivation is progressing, and others are certainly praising and admiring you.
Say good words
No harmful words and double talk
No embellishing (flattery) and deceptive talk
No complaining about this and that
What comes out of the mouth is like a pure lotus (pure goodness)
Avoid talking too much and talking about petty matters (i.e., get to the point)
Focus on benefiting sentient beings
Manifest good-hearted and effective (skillful, tactful) communication
Proper speech is admired by everyone
Dissolve conflicts/discord in an instant
Say good words
I praise you, you uphold me
Everyone gets along joyfully
Recite five times daily, self-reflect and introspect, transform oneself, meticulously improve oneself and apply it in one's daily life
Find the good in others
Learn to see the good qualities in others
Fortune and wisdom will keep accumulating
Interpret everything with good intentions (i.e., view things positively)
People, matters and things (everything we do) will turn into good karma
With contentment we would have no complaints
With appreciation (gratitude) we would have no narrow-mindedness
Willingly change our frame of mind
Progress (improvements) will naturally come about
Heaven is not far away
Establish ourselves by finding the good in others
Find the good in others
I look at others, others look at me (i.e., at each other’s conduct)
The more we see (the good) in each other, the more pleased we will be with each other.
Recite five times daily, self-reflect and introspect, transform oneself, meticulously improve oneself and apply it in one's daily life