2019-12-08 Words of Wisdom
Post date: Dec 8, 2019 1:47:30 AM
仙佛慈訓: 當你有心結時, 如何打開? 打破執著, 拋開習慣。 修道修心, 你的心修了嗎? 步聖途而非貪凡福, 修天爵而不求來世福。 昇降關鍵, 要堅持到底。坦蕩、平常的心, 才能隨遇而安。 常保初衷, 成道有餘。拋開推拖、怠慢的心。
Saints and Buddhas' merciful words: When you have knots in the heart, how do you untie them? Break off obsessions/attachments, knock off habits. Cultivating Dao is about cultivating the heart/mind...Have you rectified your heart/mind? Follow this divine path yet do not seek worldly fortune. We cultivate to achieve heavenly peerage but not blessings/fortunes in a future life. Whether we rise up (to the absolute heaven) or sink down (to the underworld), perseverance is the key. We will be able to adapt to any circumstances with a broad ordinary heart/mind. If we maintain our original heart, we can attain the Dao easily. Stop making excuses nor being remiss.